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M is for...Metamorphosis
In the movie About Time, the main character, Tim, inherits from his father the ability to time travel. When his dad tells him about his...

M is for...Meditate
Every morning when I meditate, I ask to be given clear guidance from the universe. I ask to be clearly guided in a direction, whether it...

Love & Fear
Miracles…A Course in Miracles is a very old, studied book quite like the Bible. The most profound thing I learned from this book is that...

M is for Mary Lucille & Replacing "Weird" with "Magic"
This week has been so magical and unbelievable. My client and friend, Lucy, is a freaking angel!!! She is the one who gave me the extra...

Learn to Polish Your Soul
I had this wonderful experience over Labor Day weekend. I traveled to my home town in upstate NY to get grounded and study. I took a...

Camp Chesterfield Visit
Status of Jesus at Camp Chesterfield, the main campus for the Indiana Association of Spiritualists. The camp chesterfield website has...
I'm Evolving
I grew up the youngest of three kids. You could say that I was a magical surprise dropped off by a flying stork, or you could use...
So let's talk about the Mafia! That’s right, people: we are going straight into the good stuff. I am ¾ Sicilian and ¼ Italian, so for all...

M is for Metamorphosis
M is for Metamorphosis In the movie “About Time” the main character, Tim, inherits from his father the ability to time travel. When his...
M is for Mushy
M is for Mushy... Dont throw up with all this talk about love. Marriage is what brings us together today. All I can think of is Peter...
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